If I stay.
10:03 PMIf I Stay by Gayle Forman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
rating: 4 stars
Okay, to be honest, eventhough this book had such rave reviews. Some ppl either love it or hate it. Others are moved by it, found it kinda slow. I can't decide which group I belong to 'cos I'm abit of both. I'm not much of a Young Adult fiction reader, simply 'cos it's getting hard for me to relate to the laments of teens. If not written properly, they tend to sound whiny. Thankfully, this book is not like that. In fact, it is written in a very comfortable and rather beautiful style, despite its casual tone. It reflects the youthfulness of Mia without making her sound too naive. The story is basically about her and her family getting into a car accident. She is somehow alive but in critical condition and her 'spirit' or 'soul' is hovering between life and death and she reviews her life and whether she wants to stay or not, essentially. Thinking who left her and who's left behind. She has to make her decision.
The first half of the book was rather slow for me. Not in its pace but, in its impact. This book CREEPS up on you and its effects only come at the very end and lingers after you turn the last pages. It's like you only get the kick at the end when you realize what she'll go through if she stayed alive. At first, it was hard for me to empathize with her 'cos her life before the accident was so perfect and filled with happiness. Like almost too good to be true with the perfect friends, boyfriend and family. She's even talented. Then I realized, Forman had to paint a lovely picture, in order to show how badly this picture will be ruined. 'cos these happy memories are all she has left and this would contrast so greatly with the rough future ahead if she did choose to live. The transitions of those left behind, how they forced themselves to 'let go' was SO beautiful. I freakin' teared up at the end. You realize that maybe she should stay, just for them.
The only weird part I thought was the sex scene which was filled with music-related euphemisms (this whole book is very very music oriented. A theme that is present throughout the story) that was kinda weird. It was almost funny. I know of the symbolism that was presented in that scene, I just felt it was awkwardly phrased. Otherwise, the rest of the book was very well-written.
This book really caught me by surprise. I didn't expect to devour it so quickly and to be so emotionally affected at the end. It was like a blind suckerpunch. I never saw it coming. But it really made me think alot about my life, whether if faced with the same situation, would I have stayed? It exceeded my expectations. A good novel for all ages. =)
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