New Year. New Challenges.
10:15 PMA Happy New Year to all! though I must say, the new year celebrations hasn't been that spectacular. I had a special dinner and went out to bring my aunt from indonesia around Singapore. so that part is nice. Other than that, my mind is mostly caught up with the thoughts of the year ahead and how 2009 is gonna be one helluva year for me.
I suppose now is a good time for me to reflect on the past year and make new year resolutions. But I won't do that for this year. Simply 'cos you just get caught up in the present, your goals get kinda blurry and then you realize that you didn't achieve half of them and go into deep depression.
I guess it's just me then. Well, my com has been down and out so, I'd have to thank Yiwen for being so nice as to lend me her laptop. Therefore, I thought I could take this oppurtunity to update my dying blog. I suppose SOME reflection is needed. Basically 2008 practically didn't exist. To me, 2008 and 2009 are like one long year. Until I graduate, the years will just past by as one big, messy blur. Can't wait till the torture is over. I suppose I should do at least SOME reflection. To tell you the truth, 2008 was not a bad year. I've had much worse. In fact, now that I think back (eventhough, I am usually depressed) 2008 was filled with pleasant surprises. Like how NYJC surprisingly turned out to be a lovely JC. It's pretty scary since I thought I would hate the place. But instead, I grew to love my classmates and the environment I was thrown in a against my will.
And I've changed a little since the year before. Appearance wise, I grew fatter. So, nothing positive about that. And nothing special about that either. My hair is longer but that's about it. Personality wise, I grew more certain of who I am and where I belong. I realized who my true friends are and which relationships will stand the test of time. I'm confident of that. Furthermore, these few days, I have learnt to trust my instincts and stick to what I feel is right. I mean, it makes me happy, why should I stop myself? I only have ONE resolution and ONE motto for the year 2009...
NOTHING and NO ONE is going to stop me. Period.
Well, a world of possibilities ahead. And world of pain to get through before the end of the year. All the best to all.
I know I owe ALOT of people ALOT of pictures. And I have yet to blog about the Korean Pop Night Diy and I went to in 2008. It was WAY awesome. Got to see all the cool kpop stars perform. And I got a cool iPod which I named Eiji. Actually ALOT to write about. Next time. Promise. I'll bring pics.
Once again, Happy New 2009.